

The following dependencies should be installed on your system in order to work with this Boilerplate.

You can find most installation steps within osx-bootstrap but in short:

  1. run ruby -v ensure ruby is installed
  2. run gem update --system
  3. run gem install sass
  4. run gem install compass
  5. run gem install scss-lint
  6. run gem install bootstrap-sass
  7. run brew install node when using Homebrew
  8. run curl -L | sh
  9. run npm install -g bower
  10. run npm install -g gulp

At last make sure you correctly configured your paths.


Run the following commands to install all requirements from within the root of the package:

  • npm install to install the requirements from package.json
  • bower install to install the requirements from bower.json via .bowerrc

Gulp Commands


Please mind that gulp also starts browserSync equal to gulp browser which tries to connect to a Django server. The Django setup is not included within this boilerplate.

All front-end related tasks are handled via the Gulp task runner:

  • gulp runs the gulp defaults
  • gulp watch runs the gulp watch defaults
  • gulp lint starts all linting services using .jshintrc, .jscsrc and scss-lint.json
  • gulp preprocess optimises images within /static/img and compiles YUIDoc into static/docs
  • gulp browser connects to a given server (django) and runs live reload on a separate IP
  • gulp tests runs the test suite

We also offer some standalone commands:

  • gulp docs compiles YUIDoc into static/docs
  • gulp images optimises images within /static/img
  • gulp lint:javascript runs JavaScript linting
  • gulp lint:sass runs Sass linting
  • gulp tests:unit runs unit tests
  • gulp tests:integration runs integration tests
  • gulp tests:watch runs tests in debugging mode

We love code over configuration.

Sass Compilation

You can compile/watch Sass using the following commands from within the root:

  • compass compile private to compile the css
  • compass watch private to constantly watch for changes and compile

The configuration will automatically be applied from /private/config.rb.