
Use comments wisely. Ideally every major feature should commented in detail, but time-restraints and budget prevent this often. However it does not make sense to comment the obvious. Use specific separators to structure code that it is more readable.


The long block comment is used to separate sections, for example the mobile/tablet/desktop separation within scss or base.js.

// #NAME#

Use the half version of this to separate larger modules or code blocks so its more readable and parts can be found quickly:

// #NAME#

The large comment block should be exactly 120 characters long.

Otherwise use normal inline // comments or block /* comments */ whenever it is more logical.


We also support three types of comments within the code itself:

indicates that something is still missing and needs to be done

// TODO: We still need to add keyboard navigation
provides additional help if something might be unclear or requires additional description

// INFO: We had to loop twice through the element as the provided data is nested multiple times
provides a simple docs link

// DOCS:


Use the django or jinja template comments rather than the native html ones in order to hide developers notes from the live production website when the HTML gets shipped.