

Formatting, nesting, ordering and everything else is covered by Guidelines

Main problem with CSS

There are two types of problems in CSS: cosmetic problems and architectural problems. Cosmetic problems—issues like vertical centering or equal-height columns—usually engender the most vocal complaints, but they’re almost never showstoppers. They’re annoying, sure, but they don’t break the build.

Philip Walton Side Effects in CSS

Since CSS is global, every rule you write or override has the potential to break completely unrelated things. With that in mind, try to avoid selectors that are too unspecific (e.g. type selectors or overly specific selectors, like .nav > ul > li > a. That selector is going to be extremely painful to extend and override if there’s going to be a “special” list item for example. That also brings us to

Selector performance

It is always said that css selectors performance is not that important and there are no “easy-to-follow” rules for fixing it. But just to reiterate, main points:

  • If your project is sufficiently big and complex or really dynamic, css selector performance may play a major role in the perceived rendering performance.
  • Selectors are interpreted by the browser from right to left, meaning .my-class > * will select all the elements on the page all the time and check if their immediate parent has a class my-class. If there would be no > it would traverse the tree all the way up for every element, which is not very good. It is true that browsers do optimize things like this, but you should always check for yourself.

JS selectors

We use js- prefixed selectors for referencing DOM Nodes from javascript. That means that these classes have a pure functional pirpose and styles should never be applied to them. Same type of widget could be easily represented by completely different sets of markup.

Magic numbers

Tend not to use magic numbers in CSS. Let’s say you want to position an element in a specific place. Try to be agnostic of the environment and don’t use values that are too specific.

.nav {
    height: 30px;

// bad
.dropdown {
    // it works, but imagine we are going to change
    // the height of the nav. we'll need to go all over the css and change
    // the value now
    top: 35px;

// good
.dropdown {
    top: 100%;
    margin-top: 5px;

Another example of magic numbers could be computed values. Let’s say you have a component that is created on top of existing component, like a bootstrap styled select.

// bad
.custom-select {
    height: 38px;
    padding: 14px 17px;

// much better
.custom-select {
    height: $input-height-base - 2px;
    padding: ($padding-base-vertical - 1px) ($padding-base-horizontal - 1px);

Avoid magic numbers like the plague..


Sass or SCSS

That one is a no-brainer. We use SCSS flavor because it is closer to CSS and easier to pick up for everyone. It also resolves subtle issues with indentation.


Optimal nesting level is 2. You can go up to 4 levels (scss-lint rule), but try not to. Overused nesting usually means that something is wrong with the code.


In general, try to avoid extend unless you know exactly what you are doing. Only use @extend when the rulesets that you are trying to DRY out are inherently and thematically related.

Do not force relationships that do not exist: to do so will create unusual groupings in your project, as well as negatively impacting the source order of your code.

Color manipulation

When using alpha transparent colors keep in mind that rgba supports passing colors, so you can do things like this:

// bad
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85);

// good
color: rgba(black, 0.85);
color: rgba(#000, 0.85);
color: rgba($color, 0.85);

Compass vs LibSass

At the moment compass. In plans - dropping compass and implementing LibSass.


For generating vendor prefixes one should use Autoprefixer instead of relying on mixins. That way we reduce sass compilation time and ensure that we have only prefixes that we actually need. As a good side effect we will use actual standard CSS syntax.

Will be implemented with LibSass, but can be used with autoprefixer-rails gem.


When using settings/_bootstrap.scss make sure that you have all the variables overwritten in the file, because overriding only some of them can lead to subtle bugs like this:

// this is what happens in the bootstrap/_variables.scss
$line-height-computed: 20px !default;
$padding-base-vertical: 6px !default;

// and this is a computed property from bootstrap, 34px by default
$input-height-base:  ($line-height-computed + ($padding-base-vertical * 2) + 2) !default;

// now what we want to do is to override line-height-computed in our settings file
$line-height-computed: 23px;

Now we would expect that $input-height-base will be 37px, but it will be still 34px because computed properties are already calculated and won’t be changed. Since bootstrap components dimensions are all interconnected to these computed variables we should always have the full settings file. Order matters too.

Media queries

In general when using media queries with bootstrap variables, use appropriate values for appropriate type of a query.

// bad
@media (min-width: $screen-sm-max) {

@media (max-width: $screen-sm-min) {

// good
@media (min-width: $screen-md-min) {

@media (max-width: $screen-xs-max) {

These values differ only by 1 pixel, but it’s a very important one.

Open for discussion

  • Screenshot regression testing
  • autoprefixer implementation